Wednesday, March 25, 2009

“Why do we want to test people for drugs and alcohol? Why don't we test them from stupidity, illiteracy and avarice? The place would be better.”

“A little learning is a dangerous thing

Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring

There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain

And drinking largely sobers us again.”

-Alexander Pope

Picasso's The Absinthe Drinker

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"I just wanted to find out where the boundaries were. I've found out there aren't any. I wanted to be stopped but no one will stop me." Damien Hirst

from Pete Doherty's prison diary: 

February 5 

For my own sake - because it feels like they have the power to cut off my head - I must become a hero, organise my life and obtain from it what they deny me. If I live, in order to continue to live with myself, I must have more talent than the most exquisite poet. These people can only put up with the tamed heroes - they don't know about heroism.